MYKOLA PAVLOVYCH was quite a whole person. And at the same time multifaceted.

During the rebellious and revolutionary years of Perestroika-Peredelka, MASHCHENKO became the director of the Dovzhenko film studio …
The first two points in the program of Mashchenko-director were as follows – to get rid of the specific smell of urine, which hit
in the nose of everyone who came to the administrative building, and Ukrainianize typewriters (they do not
there were Ukrainian letters!). They somehow coped with it, though not immediately.
And then more went – the new director relied on the young. The Debut association appeared at the studio
led by Mashchenko’s friend Alexander Itigilov (together they filmed “I’m going to you” and “How hardened
steel ”), and went: Oles Yanchuk, Andriy Donchyk, Anatoliy Mateshko, Halyna Shigaeva, Viktor Prykhodko,
Natalia Andriichenko …
Unlike some other respected directors, Mashchenko was always happy to see young people. Covered
tables, an indispensable expensive cognac appeared, Mykola Pavlovych got drunk – not from alcohol, no, from the fact that
here it is, a young and unfamiliar tribe!
And this was a continuation of his long-standing activity – because he was the curator of the Union of Cinematographers
young people, it is thanks to him that the Molodist International Film Festival has emerged and is still functioning.
forgotten, unfortunately).
In general, Mashchenko, along with Tymofiy Levchuk, defined so much in the life of the Union. And, perhaps, first of all:
joy to another’s talent. The word “brilliant!” flew out of his generous lips not always in agreement with the real
the value of the film, but always sincerely, always as an advance and hope for talent and destiny. Of those I knew, only
Bohdan Stupka could be equal in this joy of talent, especially of a young man. Maybe that’s why they are buried
almost next to it, at the end of the central alley of the Baykovo cemetery.
Soon Mashchenko left the chair of the general director of Dovzhenkivtsi, going to make films again. And when in
nineties, everything collapsed, and the film studio began to languish, Nikolai Pavlovich was called to the director’s chair
again. He ruled until 2004, on his 75th birthday. Then he passed the reins of government to another …
Managing something in the 90’s was a special art. Still burst into control or just bandits, with
anecdotal crosses dangling from their chests, or semi-bandits, half-workers yesterday
party and non-party bodies. Etc. the public. Which, say, from time to time appeared in the studio,
businesslike looked around and asked a question:
– But what kind of trees?
– Here is a garden planted by Dovzhenko.
“What dude?”
– Great director, classic.
– Oh, so I missed some boredom, nobody needs it …
– Well, why?
– Yes, we know such … Let’s take this garden away.
“Yes.” How much is here? Three, four, six … Six hotels can be built. Six! This will be the case, but it will not
trifle, no one is interested …
This is roughly what one of the similar visits looked like, in Mashchenko’s account. It was, was already similar in history –
only now it is not a cherry orchard, but an apple orchard.
As MYKOLA PAVLOVYCH resisted, history is silent about it for now. Although compromises were made, the studio area
a little withered. However, the basis was preserved. Despite the fact that the state did not even turn its head towards cinema …
Although no, sometimes returned. One day I come to the studio. Mashchenko:
– Kuchma came to the studio two days ago. I showed him my “Khmelnytsky” (the film “Bogdan-Zinoviy
Khmelnytsky “was still at work then). Imagine – he was sitting next to me in the hall and crying with such tears.
He said: Kolya Mashchenko, there will be money for movies, there will be!
– Mykola Pavlovych, it wasn’t tears – it was cognac that you pumped it out of. And there will be no money,
have you not yet understood: this government has other priorities.
– Seryozha, you are with your skepticism … This is the president, the president said. You would see his eyes …
See, see, borrowed from Sulfur.
Wise, cunning, naive, funny – different, in the words of MYKOLA MASHCHENKO. And in total – bright, unforgettable
On his backup birthday, I remember him again and again.
Sergey Trimbach