It is said that after the appearance of the film “Fireplace Cross” (1968) Sergei Parajanov wrote on the wall of his apartment: “ASY – GENIUS”.

So it was, so it is …
Leonid Osyka was born in the cool purity of March, when it is still snowing and winter is just beginning to think about his den, and spring begins to turn on the celestial lights. The country was part of the “forties, fateful ”… Not yet quite clear, transparent premonitions oppressed the people’s collective soul. Prophecies of a loved one war times were heard more and more often.
Who will return…

And in 15 months the war began. The Osyk family got from Kyiv (they lived in Solomyanka) to Kyiv without any difficulties Fastova, settled with her grandmother. The house stood on a hill, the Germans settled in it, it was fired upon by the Soviets snipers. Aren’t there visual images of the films “Who Will Come Back – Love” and “Fireplace Cross”? We we strive for heavenly heights, but the ascent there is deadly, up there, waiting for you death… And she really looked like a little boy. Severe poisoning, convulsions and – all, breathless baby body. What she said was from the memories of Nina Mikhailovna’s sister, a grandmother putting it to her mouth. mirror: “He is already dead” .. And they put the little one on the table, already prepared the coffin and the sisters cried. But another grandmother came and ordered to cover a little black handkerchief … And a miracle happened, Lenya came to life – cried, cried. “Who will return – will love”: is not it? He returned to love this world, its flesh and its spirit mystical, and saving darkness that will protect from death …

Sergey Trimbach