Ukrainian screenwriter, writer, writer, journalist.
He graduated from the Faculty of Radiophysics, Kyiv State University. T.G. Shevchenko (1959) and Higher
script courses in Moscow (1969).
Since 1967 – editor and screenwriter of Kyivnaukfilm studio.
In the 1990s and 2000s he was a columnist for the newspaper Lzerkalo Tyzhnya. Ukraine”.
Author of 11 books, 1,500 articles and 150 screenplays for films of various genres.
He was a member of the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine.
Oleksandr Rozhen is a professional writer and columnist for the Dzerkalo Tyzhnia. Ukraina newspaper. Author of 11 books, 1500
articles and 150 screenplays for films of various genres. Films based on his scripts were made and received
top awards and Grand Prix at film festivals around the world.
Documentary films “For a Poor Entrepreneur” based on O. Rozhen’s scripts were made at the Contact Film Studio.
order a word “(1999),” Paris Odyssey of Victor Nekrasov “(2000), TV series” Red
renaissance ”(2004).
We publish excerpts from a chat with Oleksandr Rozhen, which took place on the Glavred website on July 19, 2012, which
and today has not lost its relevance.
Playwright Oleksandr Rozhen: Ukraine resembles a train that passed back
vasyld: In addition to being a famous artist, you are also a scientist. Can you tell me why this is the case in Ukraine?
problem with science documentaries? Problems with funding too? Grateful for your creativity, and
Good luck.
Alexander Rozhen: I would like to know the answer to this question. 30% of all popular science literature and
magazines used to be consumed in Ukraine, now – 0%. Everything fell apart, and no one regretted it. Better
studio in Europe – “Kyivnaukfilm” – does not shoot anything worthy. It is run by helpless people. Too bad …
Katya: You are an experienced screenwriter. Why did you decide to compete in the “Coronation of the Word”?
Alexander Rozhen: It happened by accident. A few weeks before I had to send my own
work, someone told me that there is such a competition. And my son and I sent the script. I wanted to check
whether there is a fair competition in Ukraine. Because before that I had never received anything in Ukraine.
True, he never sent. But in Russia, Prague, Holland, Germany, I also did not send, but others
the directors sent works based on my scripts, and we received a grand prize. And in Ukraine it has always been deaf
number. “Guys from their village” always won. It’s great that there is a contest where a person is without
thieves can get an evaluation of their work. I think such competitions are a way to revive culture
Nina: Mr. Alexander, do you consider new formats to be art and worthy of attention: TV series, grids, films and
cartoons in 3D?
Alexander Rozhen: My son (producer) is currently writing a very interesting cartoon in
The American artist painted very interesting characters for him. This movie is interesting to me.
As for TV series and sitcoms, it’s hard to say, because I only see them when I walk around the room, when my wife
he watches them. I see them for 3 seconds, so I’m not an expert in this field…
Nina: When you write scripts, what principles do you follow?
Oleksandr Rozhen: I don’t analyze myself so deeply as to understand … So that it doesn’t turn out like in a fairy tale about work,
who was so trying to figure out how it works that it broke.
kid: Do you believe in the bright future of Ukrainian cinema, including documentary?
Alexander Rozhen: As for documentary film, I believe not only in its bright future, but also in
bright present. There is a wonderful documentary filmmaker – Serhiy Bukovsky. If someone doesn’t believe, look at him
movies. For novice screenwriters and directors, it is helpful to look at the pictures he made when
he was up to 30 years old. Now I have met young directors and screenwriters who are worthy of Sergei
Bukovsky. This is world class. I think next year the mass audience will see their films.
Documentary film is not needed much: a group of three to five people, and went … At the art house
Ukrainian cinema in the near future we will see good pictures. From the genius Antonioni left his wife,
an actress he constantly filmed because she wanted to star in movies that millions watched. To c
Ukraine has a commercial film for millions, it is necessary to create a film industry, and it is long, difficult and
Remember, when you get on the train, the moment it starts, you feel that for some reason it gives up the cars
back and then begins to slowly, one by one pick them up and carry on, because the forces to move everything at once with
he has no place. Ukraine now resembles a train that has passed back and is starting to pick up one by one
car. It is very important for a movie to jump into the seventh or eighth car, in the top ten. So far, everything is evolving
right. If you’re lucky, it can jump into the fifth car, and prospects in the movies may appear
huge for a simple reason: now released directors, and they roam Kiev. More than 1000
unemployed filmmakers! And every year another hundred are prepared. The people learn at their own expense, although hopes are zero.
There is a way out of all situations. I think if the current film management finds a way to apply a huge
young force, they will soon talk about Ukrainian cinema.
kid: Which of your screenplays was the hardest for you and why?
Alexander Rozhen :: In Soviet times, everything was very difficult. So I hated this job in some way.
And now I feel like a free person, and everything I do is interesting to me. And I’m happy about that.
booklia: Which of your screenplays do you consider iconic? Or if you are just planning to create one, then what would you be talking about
wanted him to be?
Alexander Rozhen: Such a scenario was noted at the “Coronation of the word” – “Nightingales, nightingales.” Now we have it
renamed – “Europe is looking at us”. This is a game script, artistic. He gets an avalanche of positives
reviews and it’s nice. And people go to work for him, without even asking how much they pay for it
to pay. The next script I would like to write is based on Oleg Kryshtal’s book “Homunculus”.
Anton Chervonenko: Alexander, why don’t you work at the Mirror of the Week anymore?
Oleksandr Rozhen: I must pay tribute to the peculiarities of my character: I have not worked anywhere for more than three years.
I spent one day at my last job. I believe that I am who I am, thanks to this quality. And I advise not
neglect other people and do not dwell on the profession and work they now have.
I will not list the exotic professions I practiced. But for three years I worked at the Academy of Sciences
physicist, then taught, then engaged in journalism, then began writing screenplays, finishing screenwriting and
directing courses in Moscow. And since the screenwriter should not go to work, it is accordingly for me
came up. In Soviet times, I felt so free that when I was accepted into the script workshop
film studios and made it a condition to go once a week for an hour and report on how I’m doing, I
went once a month. But finally, he said, “Take your salary, I’m getting fired. I want to be free
man “.
During the years of independence, I started working in the “Mirror of the Week”. It was a happy place, a wonderful team
youth team, I was the oldest. And here I stayed for 15 years for the first time in my life. Two years ago in
the thought came to my mind that I was stuck. I’m free and I feel great.
I am lucky: I have three sons, all are fond of cinema, one lives in Canada, and his children are filmed in
Hollywood movies. Two other sons work here. We joined them two years ago. The idea came up
create a company, while virtual, write scripts together. In fact, the three of us write together. Currently
we plan to organize a legal entity for the shooting of films by our group. Very interesting gathered around us
a company of composers and representatives of other professions, the only one who is not yet – a good cameraman.
Dean: How popular is the work of a playwright in our country?
Alexander Rozhen: Our work is not in demand at all, because there is no film production. For some
American studio hangs a poster in front of the entrance: “Do not skimp on tailors, hairdressers and screenwriters.” All
understand that in order for a film to come out, first of all, you need a script. And we do not take the script
necessary, because in the current conditions it is impossible to get money for it. This is when it comes to gaming
And screenplays for documentaries are completely hopeless. I wrote 150 scripts for which they were shot
documentaries. I can say that this is hard labor. And I would advise young people not to write scripts
for documentaries – let them be written by the directors themselves.